Children’s Book Collaborations


Millie’s Mask is the story of a hero who protects her friends from a nasty virus by doing one good deed.

Co-Writer / Editor / Photography / Layouts


Naughty Norman is a fun counting book for preschoolers. Who can resist a charming story with a surprise French toast ending?

Co-Writer / Editor / Layouts.


Flurble is a sound. It is associated with at least five yucky creatures, and you may be one of them.

Writer / Editor / Illustrations / Layouts


An olive tree and a warbler are best friends. When Simchat Torah festivities begin in the Galilee, bird flies down to investigate.

Writer / Editor / Illustrations / Layouts


When it is time for Bird to migrate south, he feels sad to leave his best friend, Tree.

Writer / Editor / Illustrations / Layouts

Danika's Tu b'Shvat_Cover.jpg

Danika decides to use every part of the etrog, and ends up with marmalade and a beautiful fruit tree.

Editor / Layouts