Writer’s Blog
Every Tic and Snore
Sometimes, being a fiction author leaves others feeling a little unsettled. I am always scrounging for granular details to feed my work. I focus on the most mundane actions, interactions, and settings. I ask inappropriate questions, jot down notes, take photos of things others may not pay the slightest attention to, indulge in uncomfortably long stares, and so on. Then the moment arrives when Aunt Edna’s facial tic joins with Cousin Sal’s narcolepsy to produce a wonderfully strange new character.
The leftovers are used to feed my writer’s blog.
Frank Stein
Following mother’s advice, when cooking frozen meat, in this case one Ralph Kibler, thaw overnight in the fridge. He had achieved a similar result by unplugging the freezer and leaving it open a crack.
Librarians are Superheroes
Let us not underestimate the power of librarians in maintaining our democracy. As defenders of intellectual freedom, they stand as beacons of hope in an ever-darkening world.
I blame it all on the Goons!
The Goon Show was a collection of wonderfully silly characters from the mind of a man who suffered from PTSD and a variety of other mental illnesses.
Who do you believe?
Do you take advice at face value, or forge ahead on your own path to writing fame and fortune. I have some thoughts.
The Moon Below is Ready to Begin Querying
It has been a long road getting here, but the novel is finally ready to query with agents. Writing is hard.
The River God makes the 2020 SDWEG Anthology
While the print version of Barking at Dogs is still years off, one of the short stories from the collection features in the upcoming San Diego Writers and Editors Guild Anthology titled Strange Happenings.
Who do you write for?
I am often asked who I think of when I am writing my YA novel. I would love to say that I write purely for myself or that I visualize an amorphous young adult audience.
Take a moment to subscribe to one of my podcasts
Short stories or music, I have a podcast for everyone looking for one of those two things.