Librarians are Superheroes

As a devoted author and a passionate booster for democratic norms, I cannot stress enough the crucial role librarians play in safeguarding our civil liberties. These unsung heroes are our first line of defense against the encroachment of anti-intellectualism and anti-democratic forces in our society, preserving freedom of thought, expression, and the open exchange of ideas.

They may not look it, but librarians are powerful custodians of knowledge, guaranteeing access to a diverse range of resources and helping nurture intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. By curating collections that span the entire spectrum of human thought, they challenge censorship and promote intellectual freedom. This unbiased access to information empowers individuals to imagine the world as it could be, form their own opinions and engage in informed debates.

The role of librarians extends far beyond the stacks of books they sort and store. They are primarily educators, promoting media literacy and guiding people in discerning fact from fiction. Especially now, in an age of disinformation campaigns threatening our democratic foundations, librarians help us navigate the murky waters of misinformation and cultivate informed citizens.

These unsung heroes hold the keys to an honest accounting of history. They ensure that the past is neither forgotten nor manipulated to match politically convenient narratives. In their role as gatekeepers, they preserve the voices of marginalized communities and provide context for historical events. It is in this way that they guard against revisionist narratives that are used to prop up oppressive ideologies and keep us all misinformed.

Don’t underestimate the power of librarians in maintaining our democracy. As defenders of intellectual freedom, they stand as beacons of hope. It is our duty to assist their fight against the encroaching darkness of book bans and library system defunding efforts.

Visit the American Library Association website to view a list of banned books and to add your support.


Frank Stein


Ember X-cepted